Thursday, September 10, 2009

Confidence... Work in Progress.

A couple of years ago I picked up the book entitled Confident Woman by Joyce Meyer hoping it could help me in this journey called womanhood. I knew it was more to being a woman than just child birth and this book seemed to be what I had been looking for at the time. I see now that women need confidence in every aspect of your lives. We are a very apologetic sex, meaning we tend to apologize for almost everything we do because we are taught to be mild and timid and not to be too aggressive. But…what is confidence? I know it’s not anything be apologetic for. Joyce Meyer list 7 secrets of a confident woman and they are:
1. A confident woman knows that she is loved.
2. A confident woman refuses to live in fear.
3. A confident woman is positive.
4. A confident woman recovers from setbacks.
5. A confident woman avoids comparisons.
6. A confident woman takes action.
7. A confident woman does not live in “if only” and “what if.”
These seven things are so right on. And If I can add on number 8 would be to TAKE SOME RESPONSIBILITY! So I decided to apply them in my own life. Once I decided to take some responsibility for my own life and chose not to blame anyone else for any short comings; personally that had helped my confidence. Say to yourself “I your name have chosen to take responsibility for myself for my own actions move forward and to only look back as the sankofa bird… “Always remember the past for therein lies the future, if forgotten… we are destined to repeat it”. I believe that the sankofa bird embodies some of what Joyce Meyer is saying in the secret 7 by basically looking forward and not be apologetic. There are numerous times I had to take confidence by the hand to walk with me as like a shield. There is another saying “as a man thinketh so is he/she” so I thought myself confident as I still am to this day and will do until I’m laid to rest. I am getting naked right now when I share with you that I had to get over come voices telling me things like I am stupid, not worthy for all the of the best that life has for me and that I will not recover from my past of mistakes and what people may think of me…I can testify that it is confidence that has helped me to combat these evil voices. There will ALWAYS be something trying to hold us back because life is just orchestrated this way. This is where confidence comes in; confidence is a daily tool as air is to life. No one woman in history has become a smart, sexy woman without confidence, therefore take confidence as your best friend, sit with her and let her be that alter ego that you want to shine through.

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